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Winner of our Birthday Month Vital Lifestyle Pack!!


When you are next in, collect the pack which comprises “Changing Habits” Supreme Green Blend and Colloidal Minerals.

green_smoothie-recipeFor all our clients we recommend having these on a daily basis to support your wellbeing. Both are great in a “Green Smoothie” in the morning – ask for our recipe (or you can find it on our webpage here).

Newstead Chiropractor - Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Most importantly – after becoming more informed – there were lots of empowering action steps you could implement yourself, to improve your own wellbeing.

Update On Changing Habits Seminar

We recently attended the above seminar in Brisbane, along with some of our clients. Cyndi O’Meara, nutritionist, delivered an awesome day of great information. She stressed to us the importance of REAL FOOD with many distinctions on what is and isn’t real food!

Cyndi also gave us her latest insights regarding Autoimmune diseases, Thyroid issues and ‘Leaky Gut’ issues as well as talking about the role of genetics, cholesterol, iodine and gluten in our health and wellbeing.

If you are interested in knowing more about this information or the Changing Habits foods and products please speak to us when next in for your adjustment.

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